Duration: 5 working weeks
Format: online
Language: English
Number of hours: 13 hours + 10 hours of self-study
Starting date: June 12, 2024
Head tutors: Speakers: Martin Boisen, Magdalena Florek, Sam Taylor, Peter Kentie
Certificate of completion: yes
Price: 1199 EUR
Registration deadline: June 1, 2024
Max No. of participants: 12
In order to receive more details, please click on the “request details” button below.
See also: Frequently Asked Questions
This course presents the areas, aims, tools and challenges of stakeholders involvement in place brand management. It focuses on the practical aspects of stakeholders’ engagement discussing the participation of diverse groups at all stages of place brand management process. By discussing various case studies, the participants will learn how to map and prioritize the stakeholders, which tools to use and which are less effective, what challenges accompany the engagement process, and how to measure this involvement.
The course is suitable for anyone who works with promotion, marketing, branding and/or management for a city, region, or country as well as for public-private partnership managers, politicians, and academics.
Participants are expected to understand the basics of place branding and place marketing. During the course, participants will apply the learning outcomes to a structured assignment.
The course consists of interactive webinars and guest lectures. Live participation is highly recommended, but the sessions will also be recorded. Certification will be based on the completion of the assignment.
is a former Associate Professor at the Poznan University of Economics and Business in Poland. She is co-founder and Member of the Board of Best Place – the European Place Marketing Institute as well as Senior Fellow at the Institute of Place Management in UK. In 2006/2007 she was a senior lecturer at the Marketing Department, University of Otago in New Zealand. Magdalena is also scholarship holder of the Fulbright Program at Northwestern University and the Kellogg School of Management in USA. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, and Tourism and Hospitality Management. Consultant in brand strategy, city and region promotion. Magdalena is co-author of brand strategies and other related projects for Polish cities and regions. She is an active speaker and member of teams working on many international projects and grants.
see bio >is a geographer who specializes in the marketing and branding of cities and regions as an integral part of urban and regional governance and planning. Martin is the owner of the advisory firm For the Love of Place and co-founding Board Member of The International Place Branding Association. He lives in The Netherlands, from where he has been involved in more than 100 advisory projects. His clients include cities like The Hague, Oslo, York and Ghent, and regions like Amsterdam Metropolitan Region, Provincie of Northern Brabant, the Veluwe and the Wadden Sea area. Martin also contributes as a panel expert to The Place Brand Observer, he’s a chief advisor to European Cities Marketing and has been involved in knowledge-development through UrbAct, Interreg and UNWTO. Next to his advisory work, Martin is a lecturer in Human Geography & Planning at the University of Groningen. He's published a number of influential research articles and book chapters on the topic, is a frequent keynote speaker at international events and a celebrated guest lecturer at several institutions around the world.
see bio >is a Strategic Brand Project Lead (as of July 1, 2022). Prior to that, Sam has headed up the marketing team for ChristchurchNZ - an EDA which promotes Christchurch to residents, visitors and businesses across the full array of areas - major and business events, tourism, right through to business and talent attraction, and a local film office. Before ChristchurchNZ Sam worked as a Marketing Manager for a New Zealand tourism operator running in New Zealand, Australia and North America.
see bio >